This is some text that will show up in some spots on the website.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac aliquam ipsum. Nulla imperdiet, nibh quis fringilla venenatis, enim libero hendrerit eros, quis dapibus sem nibh a magna. Aliquam sit amet mi sit amet odio aliquam finibus at et sapien. Nam ornare nulla odio, eu mollis eros posuere sit amet. Ut ullamcorper turpis sed nunc […]
Okay, so by now we know the drill: wash your hands often while singing “Happy Birthday” a couple of times, avoid touching your face, wipe down surfaces (try this), maintain 6 feet distance (yes, the virus can hang in the air), and be mindful of the potential for mail, packages and shoes to bring the […]
This Friday is Full of Hope and Potential! Friday, January 10th is an auspicious day for our wellness! Why, you ask? Because, in our corner of the world (Southern California), we will have a Lunar Eclipse and a King Tide on the same day. Okay, so what does that have to do with our wellbeing […]
We all know that taking care of ourselves is important. However, when life gets busy and the little things pile up, it can be difficult to make time for yourself. In fact, these moments, when it seems the most difficult to take a minute or two to yourself, are the most crucial moments to recognize […]
Wellness is a multi-dimensional road, and there are many paths to individual wellness. Therapy in the clinic is just one step along the path; the real therapeutic benefits happen as a person begins to thrive and excel in their daily life. Natural settings offer layers of complexity, engagement with a purpose, as well as activities […]
Our therapeutic trademark “Integrative Wellness Therapy” empowers people with increased self-awareness and specific strategies to support lasting life changes through blending western therapies and complementary techniques in a collaborative manner. Click here to see full article.
Often when I tell people that I am a Certified Yoga Therapist they are happy to report the benefits of attending their favorite yoga class. Now this is terrific… for those who are generally well. Sometimes a physical or mental illness, injury or even simple limitations can cause people to shy away from traditional yoga […]
Eyes of the Westside’s goal is to bring back the sense of community and unity on the westside of Ventura by celebrating the children that live here. As we paste up the portraits, we hope to see each other as valuable and equal, bringing people together to help chase away racial discrimination on the westside.
I was recently interviewed by VoyageLA about my work and the future of Integrative Wellness Therapy. You can read the article here. – Lorelei Woerner, OTR/L, C-IAYT
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