Transforming the Lives of our Tweens
Youth ages 10 years to 14 years are at a pivotal transition point in life. Not only are their bodies changing as they enter puberty, but their brains are growing at one of the fastest rates in life.
Our fresh approach builds builds a foundation in supporting our youth’s social-emotional learning and mental wellness, through blending complementary techniques and western science.
We watch our tween struggle and suffer in how to cope with anxiety, sadness, anger, difficulty focusing, challenges in discovering and achieving a goal, and generally engaging in life. We reach out for help, often with lackluster results.
Our method support empowering our youth through self-discovery, self-expression, life-skill development, and a personalized selection of very practical, easy and effective techniques.
Subtle Seeds
Empowering our Tweens with Integrative Strategies for Social-Emotional and Mental Wellness
“Tweens“ — even the name suggests an in-between, not child or teen, nor a placement or position. In complementary medicine, we focus on these junctures and transitions in our lives. These are times of vulnerability and instability that compel more awareness, bolstering and support.
The Integrative Wellness Therapy method spotlights the early adolescent years (ages 10 years to 14 years), through supporting parents, educators and therapists in bestowing our tweens with their own self-awareness, self-compassion and individualized practical strategies to support lasting life changes. TOGETHER WE CAN!: Cultivate self-esteem, hope and optimism * Boost goal setting and achievment * Promote inter-generation connections and mentorships * And support Social-Emotional Wellness for a life well-lived.

Integrative Therapy for Youth
Individualized Integrative Therapy tailored to specific needs and desires. One-on-one private sessions provided by a licensed Occupational Therapist with 30 years experience in pediatrics and over 15 years as a Certified Yoga Therapist.
Online Session* $150* (** Travel fee for in-person)
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Body, Breath and Brain ℠
This treatment focuses on using the 3 B’s together (including body/breath awareness, crossing midline and reflex integration) to facilitate deeper and broader changes in cognitive function, executive function, neuro function, processing, and attention.
Online Session* $150* (** Travel fee for in-person)
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Therapeutic Yoga
Connect with a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT — International Yoga Therapy Association) to assess and create a tailored wellness yoga program for your specific needs, including, personalized therapeutic movement programs, breath techniques, guided meditation and strategies that produce real results for mind and body. FOR YOUTH, and their PARENTS, CAREGIVERS, EDUCATORS and THERAPISTS
Online Session* $150 (** Travel fee for in-person)
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Gentle Touch Release ℠ — Body Work
A specialized and carefully adapted version of body work for those whom traditional body work may be contraindicated. Experience in working with persons who want a gentler yet effective touch, persons with special needs, neurological conditions, scoliosis, recent surgeries, and those who are bed-bound. Offered by a seasoned and licensed Occupational Therapist with a blend of Myofascial Release, gentle muscle release, Reiki, and facilitated stretches incorporating the breath. Improving wellness by enhancing posture and alignment, reducing pain, and improving the ability to move and function in daily life